The northern lights are a spectacular sight, a multi-coloured glory of what nature and the universe have to offer us. Most commonly seen in the arctic regions, the northern lights are best viewed from as far north as you’re willing to go, or at least 60 degrees latitude. Finnish Lapland allows you to bask in the marvel of this extraordinary natural phenomenon while also experiencing a great family holiday with the kids, thanks to the snow safaris, reindeer farms and other snow-related fun activities. Of course, Lapland is also the home of Santa Claus, if you need a way of convincing them…

It’s a common trait of us family-minded Brits to holiday across the continent in search of sunshine, beaches and cheap holiday deals. If you’ve never been before, why not give Greece a go this summer? Its beautiful islands offer everything you could hope for, with sleepy villages lost in time, beautiful and serene beaches and glorious food. Greece hasn’t had it easy over the last few years. Financial instability, followed by an 11% drop in visitors to its eastern islands, has led to some amazing deals at family-friendly resorts that are perfect for a budget holiday you’ll never forget.

Delve into the ancient history of the iconic cities – live. Perfect for any reluctant classicist, Rome offers a wonderful look into European and world history. Walk around the great city, following in the footsteps of the ancient Romans and indulge your children with guided tours around the Great Sewer by the Forum, the famous Colosseum and the centre of world Catholicism, Vatican City.

Be at one with the enormous diversity of wildlife at this popular wildlife hotspot. The Galápagos is one of the most well-known and loved spots for wildlife-watching in the world. This incredibly beautiful and remote archipelago is home to an array of brilliant lava formations, as well as cactus forests, highlands, beautiful turquoise waters and tropical beaches. Best of all, the islands are overflowing with wildlife. Within mere minutes of arriving, you’re bound to spot an array of strangely curious, fearless critters your kids will fall in love with.

California is one of the most family-friendly states in America and one of its largest cities, San Francisco, celebrates the 50 year anniversary of its famous Summer of Love this year. With a great selection of different events including exhibition and concerts, this year is the one to visit. Hike, cycle, walk to renowned bakeries and stores – there are plenty of things to do for families in the gorgeous state in California. Enjoy the sunshine and celebrate a summer of love this year.

There has never been a better time for families to visit the Maldives. With the islands all vying for the attentions of tourists, each one is dedicated to entertaining children through the array of wildlife which surrounds them. While your kids are out on the trails, you can relax and indulge in a book, a dip in the pool or a spot of yoga. It’s the perfect holiday for high-energy, curious children with parents who’d like a relaxing holiday.

Believe it or not, Canada is only 150 years old, and 2017 is its 150th birthday! Celebrate in style by taking in the breathtaking views of the North American landscapes. Wind through the snow-covered Rockies and see the sparkle in the lakes on your way to visit one of the many national parks on your self-drive safari. Search for grizzly bears and bald eagles before trying a spot of mountain biking or white water rafting in the world’s second largest country. If you’d prefer an urban adventure, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver all have plenty to offer.
So if you & your family are ready for your next wonderful holiday, why not explore the world’s most beautiful destinations together. Take in Northern Lights in Lapland, the ancient history of Rome, the sandy beaches of the Maldives or the constant sunshine in California.
However, you don’t want your perfect family trip to end in disaster, by being ill abroad, suffering sickness abroad or dealing with food poisoning on holiday. So if anything does happen to you, make sure to file holiday illness claims or holiday accident claims, as soon as you’re back!