Ever wondered what the correct and safest protocol is when it comes to a hurricane? Not sure which is the best direction to go in, whether to stay where you are or get yourself, friends and family out as quick as possible? Follow these simple guidelines on how to stay safe during a hurricane.
Personal safety is threatened during a storm and in the immediate aftermath. High winds can damage trees which may eventually block your path and heavy rain can produce flash floods.
The most important step is to know what to do in the event of a hurricane. Take note of these important steps and keep it handy, in every room of your house if you can. If you are simply on holiday somewhere where hurricanes are a possibility, write these steps down and keep them handy in your hotel or a small bag.
The guides basic preparedness tips are the following:
Put together a go-bag
Grabbing all your personal possessions is a definite no, this is something which can severely cost you your safety. However, having a handy (or multiple) go-bags is a great idea for emergency cash, telephone numbers, personal information & pictures and most importantly any medication you or your family members rely on.
Know where to go?
Always know your exits, escape routes and alternative routes. Be it in your house, apartment or even in a coffee shop, always know your exits. If you are ordered to evacuate it is important to know where your local hurricane evacuation routes are, these are specifically designed to eliminate any chances of possible flooding or road blockages.
Unable to evacuate?
If you are unable to evacuate, stay inside! If you decide to stay at home regardless, plan for adequate supplies In case there is a loss of power. Stock up on plenty of tin food and fresh water.
Communication plan
Making a family emergency communication plan is ideal in case of a potential break-up. Many Hurricane prone communities have text or email alert systems for emergency notifications.
If you are at home in which case electricity is a given – turn it off. Turning off the electricity at the main breaker will ensure every major electrical appliance is turned off, such as air conditioning units and water heaters.
If you are travelling somewhere where a possible hurricane may hit, make sure you file a holiday accident claim as soon as you're back! All details available at the sick holiday website.